Industrial Mini Steel Building Specifications
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Specifications listed are for engineered / Calif. HCD approved buildings only.
Specifiers may edit the particulars to suit individual project requirements.
CODES: California Title 25 Part 2, for Commercial Modular buildings, which includes, as amended: Title 24, Part 2 (California Building Code 2019 edition, including Disabled Access), Part 3 (California Electrical Code 2019 edition), Part 4 (California Mechanical Code 2019 edition), Part 5 (California Plumbing Code 2019 edition), Part 6 (California Energy Code 2019 edition). 28 CFR Part 36, (Federal American Disability Act 1994 edition)
Construction Type: II-B, Steel Frame, non-rated
Occupancy: B (Business), F (Factory Process) or S (Unoccupied)
Design Loads: Floor: 50 PSF with 2000 pound concentrated load. Wind: 100 MPH Exposure C. Roof 20 PSF. Seismic: Design Category D. Climate Zone: 00 (site dependent 01-16)
Situs of building may require higher design loads and therefore larger framing members than described below
Size of building can be from 6’x6’ to 13’6”x50’ exterior. High eave height maximum approx 11’0”. Larger sizes than this sometimes possible and are dependent on wind loads and transportation restrictions
11'6"x20'x10'6" low eave Control Building (9' 8" Min. low interior ceiling)
Basic Building. Steel moment resisting space frame.
Ships fully assembled (except some accessories)
12 gauge high tensile 6"x6" Columns 14 gauge commercial quality steel 'cee' section roof beam, (8"x2.25"), and base track (6"x2.25") 14 gauge commercial quality 'cee' section wall girts (6"x2.25") All structural steel is galvanized.
26 gauge R-Box Rib siding, baked enamel paint (Beige/Brown/White/Grey or Bare)
DESIGN LOADS: Roof 20 PSF. Wind: 85 MPH exposure C. Floor: N/A Seismic: Area D. Type II-N construction. Occupancy Group: B (Control Room)
1 Shed Roof style, with 22 g AEP-Span HR-36 roof decking, zincalum coated, Duratech5000 paint coating, ESR approved
1 No floor type. Uses slab
1 Interior walls and ceiling, 18 G G90 galvanized steel (unpainted)
1 Insulation: R-19 ceiling, R-13+r-7 walls, fiberglass batts
Personnel door, DKS, with 18 g insulated steel door, and 16 g welded steel frame (matches siding)
2 3'x7'0"
2 Push bar panic exit device & hydraulic closer
2 24"x24" wire glass door lite
Aluminum Sliding Window, International Window 6220A, clear anodized frame.
1 2630 1/8" clear tempered, dual glazed, low-E
5 Framed openings for site installed or other equipment (cable tray & HVAC)
4 5/8" diameter lifting eyes, drop forged, galvanized (3500 # capacity each)
1 125 amp, 120,240V single phase electrical load center, interior flush mount, no main breaker
4 15 Amp duplex receptacles commercial grade
4 1'x4' LED light fixture with wrap around diffuser. 4000 lumens
2 J-box for exterior light, w/ roof mounted photocell & manual off switch
2 13 Watt Exit lights w/ battery backup and two head emergency lights
1 15Amp duplex receptacle, GFCI commercial grade, dedicated circuit
1 20 amp quad receptacle, wired back to LP-UPS area (not connected)
16 20 amp, single pole circuit breakers to fill out load center
1 Telecom / Data J-box with 3/4" conduit & pull string to ceiling line (no devices)
1 1-1/4" dia flex conduit from LP-UPS area to ceiling line (empty)
1 24V Photoelectric type Smoke detector, with remote contacts
2 Marvair telecom AC units, with lead lag controllers, 24k btu air conditioners
1 Plans & Engineering, with California licensed engineers' seal
1 State of California HCD insignia